
Aug 12, 2024

Custom "Leave a Message" button options in version 1.12

More than just a live chat bot, uWebChat is intelligent, smart, skilled and speaks every world language.

Introducing the custom “Leave a Message” button – tailor your chat interface to perfectly align with your brand’s unique interactions.

The new custom “Leave a Message” button feature in uWebChat 1.12.0 offers users enhanced control and flexibility over their chat interface. This functionality allows you to add a custom button under the “Leave a Message” dialog, enabling you to link to your company’s support page or any other URL of your choice. Now your customers can either leave a message or click the custom button to interact with your team. 

Custom button examples

The new custom button in the “Leave a Message” section allows companies to personalize their out-of-office settings. 

Bookings page: you can now setup a button that directs your customers to a bookings page, making it easier to schedule appointments.

Custom URL: Customize buttons to link to specific pages, for example your company’s support page, enhancing targeted interactions. 

What is the uWebChat Leave a Message

The “Leave a Message” feature in uWebChat allows visitors to your website to leave a message when no agents are available or outside of business hours. This ensures that every visitor is heard, even when live support isn’t immediately accessible. The feature is fully customizable to match your company’s branding and style, providing a consistent experience for your visitors. 

How it works

Messages left by visitors are broadcasted to a group of agents within Microsoft Teams, ensuring prompt follow-up and efficient coordination. Leave a message is efficient, requiring agents to acknowledge a message for further interaction, so that there is no confusion who needs to follow-up since that information is avalable to the team. 


We’re excited to share that the Leave a Message Custom URL will be automatically available in all commercial licenses. There’s no need for manual updates or additional installations – we’ve ensured that the transition to this new feature is as smooth as your chats.

Real-time communication like never before

At uWebChat, we’re committed to providing features that not only enhance functionality but also enrich the user experience. The Leave a Message Custom URL is a testament to our dedication to innovation and customer satisfaction.

Key benefits of Custom Leave a Message 


You can add a custom link that better matches your company’s unique interaction making the chat experience more cohesive and professional.

Improved Customer Engagement

By adding a custom button, you can provide users with specific actions or information, enhancing their overall interaction with your team.


This feature streamlines the process, making it quicker and more intuitive for users to get in touch when live support isn’t available.

How to get started

Custom Leave a Message options will be automatically available to all commercial licenses. There’s no need for manual updates or additional installations – we’ve ensured that the transition to this new feature is as smooth as your chats. Enjoying the free edition? Upgrade today to unlock the full range of rich and personalized uWebChat options!