
New uWebChat release has powerful new features
Saskia Loeff
April 22, 2022

The latest release of uWebChat; version has some powerful new features and some important fixes. The following features & fixes are automatically available for all uWebChat customers as from today! 

NEW: Persistent chat across sites
Now visitors can navigate away from a webpage without losing the chat window. When a visitor navigates to a different page, the chat will continue on the new location.

Also, if a chat is disconnected, the session will be removed, enabling a visitor to instantly start a new chat.

NEW: Additional hunting method for agent hunting: random based on priority

A new hunting method is implemented, now you can choose the existing serial hunting for hunting and a new hunting method: random hunting based on priority of the agents. To change the default (serial) to this random hunting, type [edit group] in uWebChat and select the appropriate  hunting that fits your organization.

UPDATE: improved Save to OneDrive

uWebChat is now using an improved method for storing chat conversations in your users OneDrive. The API that is used (previously in beta) is now tested and in production status. Bringing a more stable services for securely archiving your conversations to your company’s OneDrive. We also implemented additional logging and advanced monitoring; this will improve the servicelevel of the store to OneDrive functionality. 


  • Removed Google Chrome & Google Pay autocomplete. If a customer saves Google Pay /Credit Card info in the browser – it automatically autofilled this information in the uWebChat conversation window (where a visitor enters his/her name). This autofill is now removed.
  • Fix issue with display names with a commaIf a display name containes a comma (for example: Doe, John) – then adding that agent to the group gave an error. This has been fixed in this version.
  • Fix for help adaptive card on mobile devices. The help adaptive card was not working on the Teams mobile client, this is now fixed. 

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