WhatsApp Integration

Sept 20, 2023

uWebChat + WhatsApp Business = better customer service

In line with our commitment to facilitate an integrated experience, we are proud to announce a game-changing feature: WhatsApp integration.

If you are looking for a way to improve your customer service and communication, you might want to consider integrating uWebChat with WhatsApp Business. uWebChat is a Microsoft Teams app that enables you to chat with your website visitors using Teams as your agent client. WhatsApp Business is a free global messaging and customer support app that helps you streamline customer communication and business workflow. By combining these two powerful tools, you can enjoy the following benefits:

Reach more customers on their preferred channel

WhatsApp has over 2 billion users worldwide, making it one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world. By integrating uWebChat with WhatsApp Business, you can connect with your customers on the channel they already use and love. You can also leverage the popularity and trust of WhatsApp to attract new customers and increase your brand awareness.

Provide faster and more convenient support

Customers today expect fast and convenient support from businesses. With uWebChat and WhatsApp Business, you can provide instant and personalized support to your customers, without making them wait on hold or switch to another app. You can also use features like automated chat bot, speech to text, realtime translation, and MeetNow to enhance your customer service and efficiency.

Manage multiple conversations from one platform

One of the challenges of using multiple communication channels is managing them effectively. With uWebChat and WhatsApp Business, you can manage all your conversations from one platform: Microsoft Teams. You can easily assign agents, set priorities, and monitor performance from your Teams client. You can also archive your chats to OneDrive for future reference and compliance.

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